Ishatech Advertising Ltd. is a well-known name in outdoor advertising in Dhaka. Outdoor Signage Company in Bangladesh. Contact: 01844542499.

1080p Full Color Video Bangladesh offers a Full HD LED Screen P3 LED Video Wall Background Wall for sale. P10-LED outdoor billboard with 90-degree corner mounted to BD. From “Ishatech Advertising Ltd.”, greetings. We have been in business since 2007 in the Dhaka, Chittagong, Bangladesh, signboard market. We have completed almost a thousand signboards, billboards, nameplates, and neon-lit letter signs in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We offer the following products: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 LED Display Panel; Digital Kiosk Signage & Digital Billboard; Road and Highway Billboard; Trivision Billboard; Products Placement and Advertisement Billboard; Government Promotional Billboard Banner Festoon Sign Printing in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Outdoor Signage Company in Bangladesh.