LED Screen Prices in Bangladesh: Ishatech Advertising Ltd.

Discover the diverse world of LED signage and explore the premier LED Display Billboard Manufacturer and Supplier in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Ishatech Advertising Ltd. Learn about LED screen prices, types, and applications. LED Screen Prices in Bangladesh: Ishatech Advertising Ltd.

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LED Display Billboard Manufacturer in Bangladesh

Ishatech Advertising Ltd. stands as the leading LED display billboard manufacturer and supplier in Dhaka, Bangladesh, offering an extensive range of cutting-edge LED screens to cater to diverse advertising needs.

As the demand for billboards and outdoor advertising escalates in Bangladesh. Ishatech Advertising Ltd. provides unparalleled opportunities to leave a lasting impact. Collaborating with reputable outdoor advertising firms, we specialize in various billboard advertising formats. Including bridge banners, lamp posts, unipoles & rooftops, wall banners, scaffolding, taxi advertising, and more, facilitating outdoor billboard advertising in Bangladesh. LED screen prices in Bangladesh.

Outdoor LED Advertising Price in Bangladesh

Our assortment of LED displays presents a myriad of options tailored to meet your advertising requirements. Engineered with advanced LED technology, our screens amalgamate the benefits of outdoor and TV advertising, guaranteeing a wide viewing angle and consistent color quality. The high-definition display ensures exceptional performance, while the lightweight aluminum cabinet and handle streamline installation. Featuring a professional lock design, our LED screens offer seamless connections and full serviceability from both the front and back.

LED displays

Versatile and adaptable, our LED screens find applications across various industries, including finance, securities, transportation hubs, and supermarkets. From broadcasting live programs in stadiums to providing vital directions on highways, LED displays have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, work, and entertainment realms.

LED display Advertising Company in Bangladesh

At Ishatech Advertising Ltd., we remain at the forefront of the LED display industry, continually evolving alongside advancements in information technology. We pride ourselves on offering screens with extended lifespans and highly efficient photoelectric conversions.

For any inquiries regarding our products or pricing, our proficient and experienced staff is prepared to provide prompt responses within 24 hours. We are committed to addressing all your queries and ensuring optimal utilization of our LED signboards.

LED signage

In conclusion, LED signage offers a myriad of options for businesses to enhance visibility and attract customers, ranging from dynamic digital billboards to classic neon aesthetics. Ishatech Advertising Ltd caters to diverse advertising needs, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of LED displays in various applications across Bangladesh.

Ishatech Advertising Ltd

For more information, contact Ishatech Advertising Ltd. at:
Factory Address: 11/BA Second Coloni Mazar Road, Mirpur-01, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Chittagong Office: Sabder Ali Road, Agrabad C/A, Chattogram 4000
Phone: +88 01984888877
Email: info@ishatechadvertisingbd.com
Official Website: www.ishatechadvertisingbd.com