Bangladesh Coast Guard, Acrylic 3D LED Letter Price in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Coast Guard Outdoor Signboard, Billboard, and Name Plate Making Service in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Ishatech Advertising Ltd. is the best signboard designer and manufacturer agency in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We are printing all kinds of posters, profile signboards, acrylic 3D letters, stainless steel letters, led lighting letter signs, storefront signboards, office indoor signs, digital led electronic billboards, and LED module P1 to P10 importers in Bangladesh. Neon Sign, Acrylic Name Plate, SS Name Plate, Car Branding, Office Branding, Sticker Design and Printing Service in Bangladesh. Acrylic 3D LED Letter Price in Bangladesh. Call now: 01844542499.

Bangladesh Coast Guard Outdoor Signage: Acrylic 3D LED Letter Price in Bangladesh
Ishatech Advertising Ltd. recently created an LED acrylic 3D letter for the Bangladesh Coast Guard. We are a leading supplier and manufacturer of LED acrylic 3D letterboards, billboards, and name plates. We started the project for the Bangladesh Coast Guard on April 10, 2024, and completed the project on April 30, 2024. For our good service and trust, the Bangladesh Coast Guard is very happy. They give me award for our best communication and good service.
Acrylic LED Letter Price in Bangladesh
The cost of the Outdoor LED Acrylic Letter Design is 2,500.00৳. The original price was also 2,600.00৳. However, the current price has been reduced to 1100.00৳. Please note that this price is applicable for a minimum area of 30 square feet. The LED Acrylic Letter, which utilizes light-emitting diode technology, also costs 2,600.00৳. The original price remains the same at 2,500.00৳. Generally, the Acrylic LED Letter Price in Bangladesh depend on the product quality, size, acrylic quality, etc. But we can provide you with an affordable price for acrylic LED letters in Bangladesh. So, please call us for any outdoor advertising signboard, billboard, name plate.
Product and Service of Ishatech Advertising Ltd
- Acrylic Letter Signs
- LED Signs
- Metal Signs
- Vinyl Graphics
- Banner Signs
- Pylon Signs
- Directional Signs
- Safety Signs
- Digital Signs
- Vehicle Graphics
- Dimensional Signs
- Wall Murals
- Trade Show Displays
- Custom Signage
- Installation Services
Advantages of Using Acrylic 3D letters, Acrylic 3D LED Letter Price in Bangladesh
Acrylic 3D letters are commonly used for signage and branding purposes due to several advantages they offer:
Visibility: Acrylic 3D letters are highly visible, making them an effective choice for both indoor and outdoor signage.
Durability: Acrylic is a durable material that can withstand various weather conditions, including rain, sunlight, and wind.
Versatility: Acrylic can be easily cut and molded into different shapes and sizes, allowing for customization according to specific design requirements.
Professional Appearance: Acrylic 3D letters have a sleek and polished appearance, giving them a professional look that enhances the branding and image of a business or organization.
Ease of Installation: Acrylic 3D letters are relatively lightweight compared to other materials like metal, making them easier to install.
Cost-Effectiveness: Acrylic 3D letters are often more cost-effective than other materials like metal or glass, making them a popular choice for businesses and organizations looking for high-quality signage within budget constraints.
Steps of Acrylic 3D Letter Making by Ishatech Advertising Ltd
Design → Material Selection → Cutting → Letter Formation → Surface Treatment → Painting or Printing → Assembly → Optional Lighting → Final Inspection → Installation.
Signboard Design and Making Service Area of Ishatech Advertising Ltd:
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Ishatech Advertising Ltd
Factory Add.: 11/BA SECOND COLONI Mazar Road, Mirpur-01, Dhaka-1216
Chittagong Office: 96, Agrabad C/A, Sabdar Ali Rd., Chattogram
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